Sunday, September 22, 2013

How Do You Put Greatness Into Words?

How Do You Put Greatness Into Words?

Today was a day that I have been dreading for quite some time. As a Yankee fan, today was the day that I would have to fully realize that Mariano Rivera will no longer be around. It’s hard to put into words just how amazing his career has been and just what it’s like to watch someone who is the absolute greatest at what they do every single day. Rivera has carried himself with class, dignity, and a quiet confidence that will go unmatched for the rest of time.

Jorge Posada has been retired, and come the end of the year it will be Andy Pettitte’s turn also, meaning only Derek Jeter is left of the core four and a talent nucleus unlike one the game had ever seen. It’s fitting that the team never won a ring while Pettitte was gone and won all 5 of the recent championships with the unit intact. The four of them will be synonymous with each other forever and all won together, just the way it should be.

Discussing the ceremony with friends and fellow Yankee fans earlier in the week I had one request I wanted the team to fulfill. Mariano’s number needed to go out in Monument Park. Seems easy enough and not much of a stretch for that to happen but considering Paul O’Neill is still waiting his turn anything is possible with this organization. However, like I stated before, he was the absolute best at what he did. If anyone deserved the exception it was him. When the moment happened I will admit that my eyes welled up with tears because it was an amazing moment for an amazing player. Rivera is one of the last aspects of childhood I have left. Almost every player I had grown up loving, that helped me to realize the beauty of their respective games has long since retired. Only Rivera and Jeter are left. In no time at all it will just be the Captain remaining.

In a highlight montage presented by the Yankees, Rivera stated that the Yankee fans are the greatest and he will love us always. That was moment number two where the room got dusty, but the truth is, we as fans love Rivera more than he could ever love us.

For one final time I would like to thank Mariano Rivera for everything he has done for the organization and the fans. Every sacrifice, commitment, and ounce of blood, sweat, and tears poured into his career. My grandchildren’s grandchildren will be talking about Mariano Rivera because his legacy and greatness will carry on through generations. Joe DiMaggio once famously said, “I want to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee.” Well I feel like I speak for all Yankee fans when I say “We want to thank the Good Lord for making Mariano Rivera a Yankee.”