Saturday, March 9, 2013

The End of an Era

The Sandman is Off to Never Never-Land


        For the past 18 seasons Major League Baseball has had to sleep with one eye open, gripping their pillows tight. Well, they can now rest easy knowing that after this season they will be able to sleep soundly once again. Mariano Rivera, the greatest relief pitcher, closer, and postseason pitcher in baseball history has announced his retirement from the game. As a baseball fan, and more importantly, as a Yankee fan, this is a sad day for me. The old saying goes that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. Well I for one would like to add something to that list, and that is a Mariano Rivera save. Knowing that trips to the stadium will no longer include a chance to hear Enter Sandman blaring as Mo runs to the mound to put the other team to bed is disheartening.

            Yankee fans, no matter how bad games were going could always say to themselves, “Its o.k., we have Jeter and we have Mo.” Now we have to come to grips with a reality we never wanted to believe we would have to face. Mo is leaving, Jeter won’t be around forever, these aren’t the same Yankees we’ve grown to love and depend on.

            Rivera wasn’t completely immortal as there were times when saves were blown in the postseason but considering he has pitched 141 innings in the postseason and has an ERA of 0.70, it puts into perspective just how great of a performer he was. The most amazing part of his dominance is the fact he’s done it with one pitch. Mastering the cutter like no one before him, and a safe bet to say no one after him either, Rivera is in a league of his own. Being the most feared closer, despite the fact that every hitter knew full well what was coming speaks volumes.

            Listing all of Rivera’s accomplishments would take days but these are some of the more important ones. He is a five time World Series Champion, a World Series MVP, 12 time All-Star, and the career leader in saves in Major League Baseball history.

            I wish I could properly convey just how I feel about Rivera, everything he has done, and all the joy and excitement he has brought to me and all other fellow Yankee fans. I will keep it simple and just say thank you Mr. Rivera. Your performances and contributions are appreciated and will be missed. Enjoy retirement and bask not only in all you have achieved but also in the fact that there isn’t a person in this crazy, cynical city of New York who would ever say a bad word about you because of the respect you’ve earned.


  1. Dennis,
    More people have walked on the moon(12) than men who have scored against Mariano in the post season(11).
    Uncle Pat

  2. Uncle Pat first off thanks for taking the time to read the post and secondly that's a great piece of information. I also read that Mariano Rivera is the only pitcher in the live ball era to allow fewer baserunners than his innings pitched total. He truly is the greatest and will be sorely missed by the Yankee faithful.
