Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shipping Up To Boston

Shipping Up To Boston


As a New Yorker and a Yankee fan I will be the first to admit I’ve had my fair share of moments where the hatred for the sports teams of the city of Boston has overtaken me and I’ve said things that are unfit to print. However, events like those that occurred yesterday help remind all of us that despite sports allegiances, city allegiances, and state pride, what matters most is the allegiance to each other as people. Boston, like New York is a wonderful city in this country. There are so many similarities between our attitudes, our upbringings, and most importantly our fighting spirits that never allow us to cower or get down when adversity strikes. Maybe in the grand scheme of things that’s why we feel the way we do about each other, we’re exactly the same and we don’t like it.

For as long as I could remember Patriots Day and the Boston Marathon have always been one of my favorite days as both a sports fan and as an American. Watching the 11:05 Red Sox game and keeping tabs on the Boston Marathon happenings were a beloved pastime. They still will be in the future but I will no longer be able to think about it without first recalling the bombings of yesterday. Patriots Day and the Boston Marathon are supposed to be happy times when we realize spring is here and summer is right around the corner. Damn those responsible for tarnishing what we had.

Yesterday’s events were plain and simple acts of terrorism. There are no two ways about it. Whether those acts were foreign or domestic we’re unsure of at the moment but it goes without saying that regardless the outcome, we as Americans will not let it break us.

Unfortunately with the world we currently live in there is always going to be that threat and in the back of our minds whatever huge gatherings we attend as sports fans, music lovers, or anything else we as society flock towards in masses, we will be wondering if something will happen. Terrorism is always going to exist but terrorists are nothing compared to the massive numbers of good hearted people who will do whatever it takes to help others and stand united against the threats against us.

Too many innocent lives have been lost because of acts of terrorism and too many more will be lost in the future but always remember we are fighters, our spirits cannot be broken, and good will always far outnumber evil. With that said, I’m now going to pull up a stool at Warren Tavern, order myself a Sam Adams, and drink to the lives lost and those severely injured yesterday. I’m not even going to end this by saying “Stay Strong Beantown” because we all know you will.

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