Saturday, June 1, 2013

What Exactly Are We Witnessing?

What Exactly Are We Witnessing?

Transcendent- extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience

Otherworldly- of, relating to, or resembling that of a world other than the actual world

Superhero- a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers


Miguel Cabrera has always been one of the best hitters in baseball since his arrival on the scene with the Florida Marlins. However, since the start of last season, he has done things that are unexplainable, supernatural, mythical, etc. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you won’t even read that last sentence and think its hyperbole. The man is not human and does things that others are incapable of.

It all started last season. Cabrera began the year slow by his standards (stats most players would dream of through that point in the season), but then something happened. Cabrera’s abilities shifted into another gear and he went on a tear not seen by mere mortals in ages. Cabrera finished the year with a .330 average, 44 home runs, and 139 RBI, good for both the MVP Award and the first Triple Crown since 1967.

Summer is synonymous with a lot of things but two that stick out for the purposes of this writing are baseball and blockbusters. See, summer is when the movie studios release their big money making movies, and baseball is all about the boys of summer.

Last season the script was simple. Our hero (Cabrera) was faced with a challenge from a rookie the likes of which no one had ever seen. Like our hero, he did things others were incapable of. He also had speed and defensive abilities which no one could argue our protagonist was lacking. This aquatic nemesis known as Trout was not only a threat to the Triple Crown but there were some who felt that he deserved the MVP over our hero. The battle was intense but like all good summer movies, our hero can’t lose in the first installment. He needs to narrowly persevere and face challenges in the sequels.

Now we fast forward to this summer. Blockbuster season and baseball season are upon us again, and believe it or not our hero is on a mission to win the Triple Crown for a second consecutive year. Accomplishing this feat would put our already mythical hero into a stratosphere all his own, but what good is a hero without a villain. This year in the sequel our hero has to take down the powerful Oriole that goes by the name Davis.

The movie is just starting and there’s no telling how it will end, but I will have my popcorn ready, my feet up, and will be enjoying the ride. I recommend all of you do the same because this will be an epic fight with history at stake. My only question is, if our hero succeeds, how the hell are they going to top all of this for the third installment?

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